Impressionists: Immersive Exhibition

Impressionists: Immersive Exhibition

OPENS FEBRUARY 8TH in Woodward Hall, located inside of Discovery Center Museum at 711 N Main Street
FEBRUARY 7TH | Ticketed Preview Party (click here to buy your ticket)

Exhibition sponsored by R. Robert and Sally D. Funderburg Endowment; Collins Aerospace; Kjellstrom Family Foundation; Ahlstrand Family Foundation; Lon and Richard Behr, Bergstrom, Inc., Dean Alan Olson Foundation, Joan Stonecipher; Savant Wealth Management; Rockford Area Arts Council, UW Health; FurstStaffing, Gloyd Family Foundation (list to date)    

Presented in collaboration with Discovery Center Museum, this extraordinary exhibition goes beyond the conventional focus on individual artists, offering a comprehensive exploration of an entire artistic movement. A movement that radically changed the world of art and our way of looking at it, from biblical or historical subjects to everyday life.

Impressionist artwork portrayed tender, intimate moments that expressed the joy of living, and the constantly changing effect of light on the beautiful world around us. It was the most radical change in art since the Renaissance, influencing and enabling all of the changes of later artistic movements in the 20th-century.

The Impressionists Immersive exhibition offers a unique opportunity to dive into the world of vibrant colors and striking contrasts. It celebrates the ways late 19th-century artists captured changing light and the natural world—inspired by the rise of photography and made possible by the invention of portable paint tubes. Each piece conveys movement and challenges perspective, allowing the viewer’s brain to formulate a coherent picture from a distance more effortlessly than up close.


On View

Homecoming: In Color