Donations to Rockford Art Museum are tax-deductible to the full extent allowed by law—and can be made online.
By Check
Donations by check can be made out to RAM and mailed to:
711 North Main Street, Rockford, IL 61103
For information about other types of donations, such as planned bequests or corporate matching gifts, please call RAM at (815) 972-2870.
Annual Drive
Your contribution to our annual Year-End Drive strengthens our ability to enrich the quality of life in our community. Your donations to RAM through this drive make everything here possible – from caring for the collection to creating exhibitions, to offering educations programs for all ages.
Please consider making a 100% tax-deductible contribution to RAM through our Year-End Drive by clicking the donate button below. If you have any questions regarding a donation, or inquiries for your employer’s matching gift program, please call (815) 968-2787 or email accounting@rockfordartmuseum.org. You can also mail a check (please put “annual drive” in the memo) to Rockford Art Museum 711 N Main Street, Rockford, IL 61107. Thank you!
Click the link below to donate to our Annual Drive and here to see our Year in Review.