Movie Night: Loving Vincent

Event Date:

April 25, 2025

Event Time:

6:00 pm

Event Location:

Theater at Riverfront Museum Park

Loving Vincent
Friday, April 25th | 6 PM | $5 (Free for museum members)

Riverfront Museum Park Theater | 711 N Main St. Rockford

“On 27th July 1890 a gaunt figure stumbled down a drowsy high street at twilight in the small French country town of Auvers. The man was carrying nothing; his hands clasped to a fresh bullet wound leaking blood from his belly. This was Vincent van Gogh, then a little known artist; now the most famous artist in the world. His tragic death has long been known, what has remained a mystery is how and why he came to be shot. Loving Vincent tells that story.

Loving Vincent is the world’s first fully painted film. We painted over 65,000 frames on over 1,000 canvases. We shot the film with actors, and literally painted over it frame by frame. This is a very laborious and time-consuming process. It has taken us 4 years to develop the technique, and it took us over 2 years with a team of over 100 painters working at studios in the Polish cities of Gdansk and Wroclaw, and a studio in Athens to complete the film. The reason we made the film is not because we want to be the first, or that we want to set any records, it is because we believe that you cannot truly tell Vincent’s story without his paintings, so we needed to bring his paintings to life.”

Watch the trailer here.

Registration not required.

This program is partially supported by a grant from the Rockford Area Arts Council which receives support from the City of Rockford, the Illinois Arts Council Agency, and its members.

Who: Adults

  • Theater at Riverfront Museum Park
  • 711 N Main Street
  • Rockford
  • IL
  • 61103
  • USA

Event Schedule Details

  • April 25, 2025 6:00 pm   -   8:00 pm
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